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Addon is a leading social media agency in Cape Town, specialising in e-commerce content for social media. Get in touch to request a quote here!

Social Media Marketing

Choose your campaign goals with social media marketing. From profile growth, website clicks, app downloads, event promotion, newsletter sign-ups and more.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Wishing all the moms in our community a very Happy Mother’s Day!

Instagram in Facts and Numbers

Some fantastic Instagram insights for all content marketers. Thanks Onlypult!

Social Media Agency Tips, Cape town

Regardless of what industry your company is in, your customers are using social media on a daily basis. Social Media Marketing is the most important tool to keep customers engaged and connected to your brand so that you’re always their first option.

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The Importance of a Social Media Policy

What does the Justine Sacco saga and the Durex drama of 2011 have in common?

Both got caught with their pants down. Neither practiced safe social.

Staff become brand ambassadors, sometimes unwittingly, when affiliated to your business online. They could be offensive, conflict your brand, or fail to handle a customer complaint with professional tact. All of these blips could fast turn to social catastrophe within seconds.

So what can your business do to avoid misconduct online? Develop a social media policy.


[generaltitle subtitle=””]Here’s Why. [/generaltitle]

A corporate code of conduct will not only prevent bad things from happening, it will also, much like a business plan, focus your efforts for maximum effectiveness.

Social Policies empower staff, giving confidence to protocol, allowing them to take action and make the right decisions when representing your brand online.

One can’t help but question the misfortune, when an employee loses their job due to a previously undefined error in judgment. With no legislation explicitly dealing with social media in South Africa, employers must look to other statues and the common law to determine social media law.

Take Fredericks v Jo Borkett Fashions, a case bought to the CCMA in 2011. Fredericks was dismissed as a result of derogatory Facebook updates. This former employee challenged the fairness of the dismissal, maintaining his/her right to privacy. The updates could be viewed by anyone, even those who were not ‘friends’ on the website. The CCMA took the view that an employer is entitled to intercept such content (Regulation of Interception of Communications and Provision of Communication, related Information Act 70 of 2002 – RICA). Jo Borkett was subsequently entitled to access wall posts open to the public, and Fredericks’ dismissal was deemed fair by the CCMA.

Many staff may assume they are untouchable with our constitutional right to express ourselves. According to Rosalind Davey, director at Bowman Gilfillan, the common law right to a good name and reputation falls within the broader right to dignity. Our constitutional right to dignity generally holds sway over freedom of expression.

Would Fredricks have resisted the urge to express his/her personal views if there was a transparent, social code of conduct in place at Jo Borkett? We believe so.

That’s why Social Media should start with a tailored, Corporate Social Policy. That is a code of conduct, drafted in line with your individual Industry and cultural circumstance in mind.

Check out our social suite for solutions available locally.

Top Traits of a Community Manager

Hiring the right community manager is an important social step. No longer a niche function; online community management a standard channel of customer service, sales and marketing online.

There’s been a flurry of discussion around who not to hire – with particular emphasis on the typical grad student often left in charge. We don’t wish to discount the capacity of our youth or make generalisations – depending on your strategy, the demographic of your candidate is bound to vary.

Our top ageless traits:

Communication is critical to solid social media execution. Before you give someone the keys to your online image, take stock of his or her writing skills in advance. Your candidate needs to emulate a journalist; politically and grammatically correct.

Social media moves quickly, and your platform will fall behind or miss opportunities to explore the “next big thing” if your social media manager is not regularly browsing for emerging trends.

Good social media managers are regular readers of Social Times, Techipedia, and other such blogs.

Community management can fast become crisis management. Real-time conversations can turn to a PR disaster in seconds. Effective social media engagement requires exceptional maturity and the foresight to pick your public conversations.

Good social media managers understand the boundaries of humor and entertainment appropriate to their target audiences – with the capacity to entertain their customers in public setting too. Smiley faces and hearts aren’t what make the cut.

There is more to the role beyond understanding the social media tools themselves. What is your unique selling point? What are the typical expectations of your customers? No new candidate can immediately know it all – but must have the capacity to understand your business in the long term.

A good community manager can hold their own, with the capacity to engage with the industry’s top influencers. Effective social media managers are constantly building social capital; forging relationships that will eventually advocate their brands online.

Having already flagged the potential overlap between departments, a strong social media manager has the business acumen to lobby between an HR and a Business Development function, whilst carrying out his or her day to day.

To conclude, we also highlight the potential for professional and personal overlap. Brand evangelism goes way past 9-5. The real deal will be passionate about your brand after hours too.  A brand match for both parties includes affiliated social networks. There should no risk of friends posting unwanted content or impeding on a desired public image online.

Trust you gut during the interview process. Above all the successful candidate needs to be likable, and no one knows your customers better than you do.